Saturday, December 28, 2019
5 Instances When Interracial Dating Is a Problem
Interracial dating isnt without its problems, but today interracial relationships enjoy more support in the United States than they have at any point in history. While two decades ago, fewer than half of Americans approved of interracial marriage, now 65 percent of all Americans support such relationships, and 85 percent of young people do. Attitudes toward interracial marriage are so progressive that some people prefer to exclusively date interracially. But are they doing so for the wrong reasons? There are a number of reasons not to date interracially, including for social status, because it’s trendy or to remedy a rocky love life. Dating interracially with misguided motives will inevitably lead to problems. To End the Losing Streak in Your Love Life You’ve dated a long line of losersâ€â€deadbeats, cheaters, manipulators. They all belonged to your racial group, so you figure you’ll have better luck dating someone of a different race. That’s because deadbeats, cheaters and manipulators only come in one color, right? If only things were that simple. The reality is that you’ll have to do much more than land a love interest with a different skin tone from yours to end destructive dating patterns. The answer to your romance problems isn’t crossing the color line but examining why you’re drawn to inappropriate partners. To Gain Status The idea of dating interracially to gain social status may seem peculiar. After all, interracial couples face discrimination that may lead to distinct disadvantages. Because the United States remains racially stratified, however, it’s considered advantageous for members of oppressed groups to pair up with those of more powerful groups. From the Antebellum Era on, such partnerships have allowed people of color to gain access to a quality of life that likely would’ve eluded them otherwise. Although today racial minorities can largely succeed in society on their own, some elite people of color may feel the need to score a spouse from another race to boost their image or better fit into the corporate landscape. As noted in the short story collection You Are Free, â€Å"The world out there insisted as soon as a black man made it, he should marry a white woman. As soon as a black woman made it, she should marry a white man.†No one should date interracially due to external pressures. If Barack Obama won his presidential campaign with a black woman at his side, it’s certainly not necessary for, say, a businessman to date interracially for the purpose of upward mobility. In an ideal world, people wouldn’t enter romantic relationships for what they stand to gain from their partners. This isn’t to say that every successful minority who dates or marries interracially does so with ulterior motives. But just as some high-powered men pursue trophy wives, some members of minority groups pursue mates from the dominant culture for status. Everyone Else Doing It Wherever you look, you see interracial couples. Your friends, colleagues and relatives are all dating interracially or have in the past. Given this, you decide to take the plunge as well. After all, you don’t want to be the odd one out or, even worse, the boring one. Soon, you’re visiting interracial dating websites, and prospective dates from a variety of racial groups lie at your fingertips. Why isn’t this a wise move? The race of your date shouldn’t be the main draw for you nor should your dating patterns be influenced by what’s trendy now. The common interests and chemistry you have with a person should be the driving force for your decision to pursue a relationship. Interracial couples face real challenges. The person who becomes part of such pair because it’s hip or trendy won’t be prepared to deal with them. Rebellion Many parents tell children outright which racial groups they approve of them dating and which racial groups they forbid them to date. Actress Diane Farr is a case in point. Now married to a Korean-American man, Farr had been told growing up that her boyfriends could only be German, Irish, French or Jewish. No blacks and no Puerto Ricans, though, or you are out of my house, Farr recalled her mother saying. Farr did go on to date black and Puerto Rican men, however, and her parents came around. Farr defied her parents’ dating rules because she formed genuine connections with men from minority backgrounds. Some people, in contrast, flout their parents’ wishes simply to rebel. No child should feel pressured to go along with their parents’ racist beliefs. At the same time, it’s irresponsible to seek out partners you know your parents would disapprove of just to rebel against them. The mates you seek out certainly won’t appreciate being used as fodder in the war with your parents. If you disagree with your parents’ views on race, challenge them directly by broaching discussions about the issue with them. And if you and your parents have other problems, don’t try to hurt them by dating interracially. You’ll only end up hurting your date and yourself for behaving so insensitively. You Feel Inferior It’s no secret that society fosters a sense of inferiority in certain racial groups. This leads some members of minority groups to experience self-hatred. Such people are not only ashamed of their culture but of the physical features they have that reflect that culture. If they could erase every trait that singles them out as belonging to their minority group, they would. Since that’s impossible, they settle for seemingly second bestâ€â€coupling up with someone from a different race to make them feel better about themselves or to produce children without their telltale ethnic features. A person this insecure is unlikely to make a good partner. As the old saying goes, you can’t love someone until you love yourself. Rather than dating across ethnic lines for validation, such people need to learn how to feel better about who they are. Seeking therapy, reading up on their cultural background and surrounding themselves with positive images related to their ethnic group may help.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Black Like Me Book Report - 979 Words
Grace Haskin Communication Research: Book Report November 21, 2014 Black Like Me Black Like Me is a research diary kept by John Griffin in 1959. Griffin, a white male, is bothered by racism and wants to experience what it is like to be black. He begins taking medication and rubs shoe polish on himself to darken the color of his skin to temporarily pass as a black man. Sepia, a black oriented magazine, sponsors Griffin’s study in exchange for written articles about the experience. With his new identity, Griffin travels to New Orleans, Alabama and Mississippi, where a black man was just murdered by a mob. He immerses himself within the black community and finds a sense of hopelessness. The black community is feeling hopeless because no one will hire them and they can only use the bathroom, eat and shop in designated â€Å"black†areas because of their race. Even though his skin color is the only thing about him that has changed, he is mistreated everywhere he goes. Becoming hopeless himself, Griffin stops taking his medication and allows his skin to fade back to white. Using shoe polish to switch between the two races, he experiments going places as a black man and then again as a white man. While he is white, white people treat him with dignity and black people are afraid of him. While he is black, he is welcomed by the black community and white people are hostile towards him. Griffin returns home to write his story, which goes viral. Though he receives a lot of positiveShow MoreRelatedBlack Like Me: a Cultural Book Report910 Words  | 4 Pagessaid. Because of this he felt that they had encouraged him to cross the color line and write Black Like Me. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Music during elizabethan age Essay Example For Students
Music during elizabethan age Essay Shakespearean Interpretation and Implementation in Twelfth Night. The Elizabethan Age, a time of English nationalism and flourishing arts, was part of the Renaissance in England. Queen Elizabeth I was the Queen of England and Ireland from 1558-1603. The rise of nationalism in England was seen through cultural developments and the increased production of dramatic and literary works. Music came to be a representation of society, mood, theme, emotion and people themselves. Music also changed the way plays were understood and performed. One of the greatest playwrights happened to live during this transformation from the Medieval Era to the English Renaissance William Shakespeare who embraced what was happening with music, people and the impact it could make on his work. Shakespeare was able to incorporate music splendidly, which enabled him to make a grand form of entertainment more brilliant and breathtaking for his audience. Queen Elizabeth was very fond of poetry, music and drama which led to court members to support the arts and paved the way for theatres where the works of William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and John Fletcher, to name a few, were performed. (http://tailboard. Ace. Due) During Shakespearean time music was ever evolving as an important form of entertainment and as an expressive tool in individuals daily lives. Music was transforming during the Renaissance becoming more refined and beautiful sounding than during the Medieval era. Elizabethans were extremely sensitive to beauty and grace; they had an undying enthusiasm for music and poetry. Music was everywhere in the streets, homes, church. It helped ease the stress of the common mans daily live and if one loud not read or understand music he was thought to be poorly educated. Playwrights like Shakespeare who acknowledged the ways of society and searched for ways to better connect with their audiences turned to the implementation of music in the plays that were performed on stage. In general music has always been able to express feelings/emotions, escape life as known to us, excite and enrich our mind and soul while lifting ones self confidence. It has a way to transport the listener to another time or place what better way to enhance a play before special effects were efficient and nearly impossible to make seamless? Shakespeare inserted music in his plays with the idea of using it as an entertainment tool, as a way to support the dramatic progression of his plays. He himself had a belief in the healing and transformational power of music and also in musics ability to tame the savage beast or, to control nature. (Martin, RAG yahoo article) Shakespearean plays usually were composed of verses that tended to be exquisitely musical. When you entwine music and verse they serve as enhancements to one another making the flow of the play seem seamless to the audience. William Shakespeare was able to further the audiences understanding of the characters and also to experience the play on a visceral level by incorporating songs within the play. The songs offered poetic imagery and often had the sound of sweet melodies. Often the songs of Shakespearean plays exerted as much, if not more, dramatic intensity as the speeches within the play itself. Many times the music gave a chance for comic relief in serious when not to use music in his plays he understood that during his era, the Elizabethan Age, that it was expected that there be at least one musical performance n every play and he delivered, regardless. A great example would be in As You Like It; Shakespeare added songs Just for the sake of having songs in the play and to benefit the Duke who commissioned the play (wry. Statues. Com. ) The songs that Shakespeare used in his plays played several roles. Sometimes the song was meant to be atmospheric/background, while others were placed within the play to be metaphors or to serve the purpose of foreshadowing. Often songs were used to resolve and/or address issues the play itself could not due to time constraints, sources and lack of technical advancements available. It is interesting to note that v ery rarely did Shakespeare choose the major characters to sing unless in disguise or if in a distracted mental state. .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680 , .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680 .postImageUrl , .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680 , .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680:hover , .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680:visited , .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680:active { border:0!important; } .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680:active , .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680 .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub5c26104aa5ccd23898180d2b38d0680:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Polyphonic HMI: Mixing Music and Math EssayUsually the songs were performed by fools, clowns, servants, rogues or minor personalities. The music was also used to give the audience a more in-depth analysis of the singers personality through either the words or performance. William Shakespeare has been dubbed a creative genius for the way he carefully inserted music to support his overall dramatic goal of the work. RAG Martin article) A great example of his understanding of this great tool is greatly displayed in his play Twelfth Night. The Twelfth Night is a comedy by Shakespeare that is bursting with music. This comedy includes instrumental serenades and rousing drinking songs extremely different types to help the idea of sadness and happiness within the work. In total there are seven songs throughout the play, the most musical of all of Shakespearean works. The play begins and ends with music. This could have been to keep the audience attention from the very beginning and to keep the audience in the know all wrought the play. In the opening song a self-pitying love song, we are introduced to Rosin and learn of his unrequited love for Olivia and his great desire to secure his overly romantic idea of what love is. The song is untitled and does provide the audience with insight into Rosin and sets up the plot of the play nicely. O Mistress Mine is found in the second act of Twelfth Night and is performed by Fest, the fool in the play. The song serves as a carper diem that reminds us that we all will age and death is inevitable. This second song contradicts Rosins views as he refers to seek out the unattainable and relishes in the pain it brings him rather than embrace his youth and enjoy not only love but life itself. The play is fast moving as is full of chaotic behavior and repercussions due to the decisions made by the characters but as a comedy this is great and the songs compliment the situations well. We are introduced to a few rowdy, drunken characters and it is only fitting to have a party song to accompany a night of riotous behavior in song 3 Hold Thy Peace. Fest delivers another performance in act 2 with the fourth song Come Away Death Elizabethan_period. HTML)
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Resource Management Act 1991
Question: Describe about the Resource Management Act 1991. Answer: Introduction RMA- Resource Management Act was introduced in New Zealand in the year 1991 basically outlining guidelines about how to manage the environment. Thus it concentrates on managing the natural and physical resources such as land, water and air. The said Act has three main significances. Firstly it is the sole integrated framework which manages all the resources under one roof rather than multiple regimes. Secondly it has inculcated within its regime the concept of sustainability and thirdly the main purpose of RMA was development of a sustainable environment. It is basis this purpose that all the other rules and regulations are spelt out. Another very distinctive characteristic of the RMA is that it promotes participation of the public in the decision making process. Key Sections Of Rma That Delegate Responsiblities To Local Government RMA delegates responsibilities to the regional and district council. The key sections of the Act that delegates such responsibilities are section 28A wherein the Act requires the Regional council to provide adequate data to the minister of conservation when needed. Section 30 which defines what the functions of the regional council are under the said Act, Section 31 looks into the functions of the territorial authorities, Further section 31A delegates some powers of the local government to the minister of conservation. Thus this section basically concentrates upon delegation of responsibilities to the local government both regional as well as district level (Smith, 1999). Section 28A, delegates to regional council with the responsibility to supply with adequate data about how the council has been monitoring the coastal permits in relation to the region or data regarding the regional coastal plan or what rights are being exercised by the council for the protection of the coastal region. Upon receipt of a notice from the ministry, the council is required to supply information within three weeks or such time as decided. Section 30 and 31 is the most important sections which defines the functions of the regional and the territorial authorities respectively. Section 30 defines the following responsibilities of the regional council: Timely pronouncements, implementation and reviewing of the objectives, policies and the methods so as to fulfil the basic purpose of the said Act i.e. incorporated administration of the various natural and physical resources of that particular region. To prepare various policies with regards the actual or expected results of the use of the land which has a major impact on the said region. The regional council has to ensure conservation of soil, dealing with natural calamities with regards land, Maintenance and augmentation of the waters quality of water bodies as well as the coastal waters. Continuous examination of the land so as to be able to monitor which part is polluted. Controlling discharge of pollutants into land, air or water. Controlling the water bodies with regards the quality, usage, flow damming as well as level of the water. The coastal marine area should also be looked after the said council but in collaboration with the Minister of Conservation (Andrews, 2015). Section 31 defines the below mentioned responsibilities of the territorial authorities. Similar to the regional councils responsibility, it has to ensure timely establishment, implementation and reviewing of the various policies and methodologies with regards the land, air and water. Controlling the noise level so as to avoid hazards related to noise pollution Controlling harmful activities being conducted on the surface of the water such as in rivers and lakes. Controlling various effects caused on the land due to its usage or development such as contamination, usage of hazardous materials and maintaining original biodiversity (( 2016). Difference Between The Responsibility Of The Regional And Territorial Autorities It may seem that the two authorities have similar responsibilities but there exists some differences between the two. They are: The regional council looks after the sustainable well being of the region as a whole whereas the local or territorial authorities look after the sustainable well being of the district. The territorial authorities control the effect that usage of land has , controls the noise level, and the effects that the activities have on the surface of the water of lakes and rivers. But the regional council covers a wider area. It keeps a check on the usage of freshwater, land, air and coastal waters as well. It look after the navigations at the harbours, road transports by ensuring that the roads are well maintained and connected and manages the rivers as well taking charge of the floods and erosional activities of the rivers ( 2016). Rotorua Lake Council District Plan Purpose The RMA 199, mandates the local authorities to prepare various district plans which would focus mainly on managing the physical and natural environment. It basically mentions the rules and regulations with regards the usage of the land and buildings. One such plan was the Rotorua Lake Council District Plan. The purpose of the said plan is sustainability of the large amount of natural resources found in that district. The region is susceptible to volcanic eruptions due to which the land is always at a very high risk with regards its quality thus the purpose is to address the said issue of volcanic eruptions and ensure that a healthy community is developed. The area is full of lakes and other wet lands hence another purpose is to improvise upon the quality of the lake water. The district is a very good tourist spots as it boasts of naturally made islands, mountains and similar such scenic beauties, hence management and protection of the same is also a top priority of the said plan (Min istry for the Environment. 2016). Summarization Of Purpose Of Part 8- Business And Innovation Of The Rotorua District Council Plan The main purpose of this part is to ensure that the business houses develop parks which would help to develop the social and economical well being of the entire district by providing employment to people thus improvising upon the overall productivity as well as the GDP levels. This also enables to draw attention of skilled workers, good business houses to become a part of the Rotorua district which helps to fulfil one of its strategy i.e. Rotorua Sustainable Economic Growth Strategy ( 2016). Policy Outcomes Of Part 8 Of The Distrct Plan The outcome for which the said part of the plan was developed is enumerated as under: Incremental sustainable and competitive forest and industrial belt. Increasing the employment rate of both skilled as well as semi-skilled workers. To ensure development of more business parks and keeping a check upon the strength of the city centre and the amenity of the industrial, countryside and residential environment (Rotorua Districts Councils Records, 2016). Thus the said Act ensures that the environment of the island is protected and maintained in a sustainable manner. References: Andrews, H. (2015). Boom Review: Focus on Resource Management Law. Retrieved from Rotorua Districts Councils Records, (2016), Part 8- Business and Innovation, Retrieved from (2016). District Plan. Retrieved from (2016). Resource Management Act 1991. Retrieved from (2016). Councils roles and functions. Retrieved from Ministry for the Environment. (2016). Resource Management Act. Retrieved from Smith, S. (1999). Natural Resource Management in New Zealand : Lessons for New South Wales. Retrieved from
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