Friday, August 28, 2020
World Civilizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
World Civilizations - Essay Example It was additionally one of the best business habitats of Europe during the Middle Ages. Byzantium assembled all the traditional information from the Roman Empire and attempted to keep up and create them. Its rich historiographical convention safeguarded antiquated information whereupon impressive workmanship, engineering, writing and innovative accomplishments were fabricated (Wikipedia, 2005, par.19). Almost certainly, the Renaissance couldn't have been so prosperous were it not for the establishment laid in Byzantium, and the gathering of Greek researchers toward the West the Empire had fallen. The intensity of its scholars was huge and it impacted numerous Western researchers, and their deduction from the standard of Western philosophy in one centuries from now has just served to debilitate the group and make it less fortunate (Cantor, 1963). The Byzantine Empire carried regular acknowledgment of Christianity to Western European nations - conceivably one of the primary parts of a contemporary Europe's personality. Under the standard of Emperor Justinian, Byzantium got the collection of laws - the Corpus iuris civilis. This was not only a conspicuous lawful accomplishment in arranging Roman law, it was additionally the main sorted out exertion to join Roman law and statute with Christianity. Despite the fact that Byzantium would at long last debilitate in power, from the eleventh century, Justinian's Corpus iuris civilis turned into the premise of all European law and lawful practice (aside from England). By and large, this arrangement of laws endorsed resilience to outsiders, freedom of thought inside the casings of Christian Orthodoxy and general privileges of the occupants of the Empire. Disposition towards ladies was open minded contrasting with Islamic custom. Monogyny was compulsory in Byzantine, while Islamic convention rehearsed polygyny. In Byzantine, ladies were contrasted with kids and seniors: they were the most vulnerable and generally helpless, so it was important to secure them. In Muslim nations, ladies were only men's property, they were permitted to wear decided sorts of garments and needed to carry on as indicated by the certain rules.Political narrow mindedness prevailed in Asian nations: outsiders had limited rights and were permitted to visit just certain spots (with the exception of the mosque, etc) and must be extra duties, for example, jizya survey charge ; they were constantly rewarded as outsiders and individuals of 'wrong confidence'. Jihad ('blessed war') was one of the primary parts of Islamic convention, so Muslims were allowed to mislead, deceive (and if fundamental slaughter) individuals of 'wrong confidence' . Nature guided the Muslims to create esteems and methods of conduct, for example, suppression of the other (since in Asian life, an individual either controls or is controlled); consistent groundwork for war so as to accomplish authority; living in a male centric framework; disdain for other people and for culture; and a stunning cap acity to move loyalties (Memri, 2005, par.8). Then again, Muslims made radiant culture, created sciences (variable based math, geometry, science) reasoning, design and expressive arts. Lustered glass was the most clear Islamic commitment to present day pottery. Original copy brightening in Islamic world was well known and enormously regarded craftsmanship, and picture smaller than usual artistic creation was far reaching in Persia. By 364 AD, the Roman Empire had been totally part into two distinct states: The Eastern Roman Empire, and the Western Roman Empire. The Western Empire before long fell after the attack of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Big Data in Construction Organization Free-Answers -Myassignment
Question: Talk about the Big Data in Construction Industry. Answer: Presentation The present task gives a study audit of the diary article that has been referenced beneath. Research Aim The point of the examination paper is to introduce an itemized study and audit of the Literature that explores utilization of huge information methods in development industry. Assessment Assessment has been finished by checking on related works which has been distributed in information bases of Institute of electrical and gadgets engineers (IEEE), American Association of Civil Engineers (AACE), Association of figuring hardware (ACM) just as Elsevier science direct computerized library. Outline The present paper gives the holes of writing present in the wide going measurements information mining, AI, warehousing just as Big Data Analytics in setting to the development business. The present condition of selection of large information in development industry has been talked about just as future capability of those advances in space explicit sub zones of the business has been given. Open issues and course for future works with respect to large information appropriation in development industry has likewise been proposed. Research subject The exploration subject of this paper is to fill the holes of writing which is available between wide-extending study fields of information mining, measurements, warehousing, AI, huge information and its application in the development business. In spite of the fact that information driven arrangements have been proposed for the fields of the development business there is an absence of thorough writing overview the objective stores utilization of huge information in development industry. Proposed procedure and philosophy Audit of the degree writing on Big Data Engineering and Big Data Analytics in development industry have been assessed. Chances of large information in mechanical sub spaces are introduced. At long last conversations about issues with respect to the exploration and future work just as traps of enormous information in development industry have been introduced. It has been expressed that Cloud can be utilized in preparing BIM information in development industry. The creator has additionally been impacted by White (2012) in which it has been depicted that Hadoop conveyed record framework a plan for overseeing huge informational collections according to necessity. The creator has refered to Das et al. (2014), in proposing social BIM for catching social cooperations of clients alongside the models of the structures. Conveyed BIM from work right in cloud is produced for putting away the information through IFC. Further work of information digging strategies for jolt of key factors that caus es delay in development ventures has been assessed refering to the papers of various creators in examination of crushed up development informational indexes. Employments of choice tree in development look into with respect to structure related lacks presented during the development stages are examined by investigating BSA cycle papers. As per Chen et al. (2003) employments of FDA for improvement of incorporated arranging framework concentrating task of pre ideally on complex constants, its significance to workforce just as assets are additionally talked about. Trial investigation and results Trial investigation and the outcomes that has been acquired utilizing development squander reproduction instruments in which a minimization of development waste could be introduced by a rich utilization of BDA. For that the huge information driven BIM framework for development checking progress should be possible for forestalling any sort of postponement in venture conveyance. The structure with information should be possible utilizing enormous information for gathering from the makers (Bilal, 2016). It has been discovered that there are no instruments for encouraging the creators for utilizing information during plan exercises. Presumptions The main presumption of this paper is ascribed to autonomous thought of name condition on Independence. The creator additionally utilized suspicion for assessing cases considering earlier data just as probability of data approaching that establishes posteriori likelihood model (Chen, 2003). For the base factor assessment metric, the worth is registered from Theorem of Bayes just as Gaussian dissemination ID (Fan, 2013). Reaction Not many of the traps of enormous information in development ventures are perceived which are security assurance just as information security, nature of information for development industry informational collections, network of Internet for huge information applications, misuse of huge information for its true abilities. The cost ramifications for Big Data in development industry are likewise considered in the paper (Al Qady, 2014). The creator have audited the writing completely and featured holes, for example, information security and security insurance that happens because of outsider treatment of the organization information by cloud specialist organizations. In addition the information is exceptionally powerless to theft and external dangers (White, 2012). Ramifications of cost for actualizing Big information for displaying by draftsmen and fashioners utilizing BIM and other demonstrating data frameworks are likewise recognized. Misuse of true abilities of Big Data has been asse ssed by the creator too (Jiao, 2013).. End It very well may be inferred that the paper has secured issues of development industry in creating monstrous measures of information all through the structure life cycle and that alternative of large information Technology for development and upgrade of those specific divisions. The writer have looked into most recent research just as significant articles distributed over the couple of decades a clarification of enormous information Technology streams just as its ideas for using the innovation across different spaces of the development business. Significant part of this paper is the recognizable proof of huge information appropriateness in rising Trends of development Industries, for example, IOT, Cloud Computing, BIM, keen structures and enlarged reality. References Bilal, M., Oyedele, L. O., Qadir, J., Munir, K., Ajayi, S. O., Akinade, O. O., ... Pasha, M. (2016). Huge Data in the development business: A survey of present status, openings, and future trends.Advanced Engineering Informatics,30(3), 500-521. Chen, Q., Chen, Y., Worden, K. (2003). Basic deficiency analysis and disconnection utilizing neural systems dependent on reaction just information. Comput. Struct, 81(22), 2165-2172. Das, M., Cheng, J.C. Kumar, S.S. (2014). BIMCloud: an appropriated cloud-based social BIM structure for venture joint effort, The fifteenth International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE 2014), Florida, United States. Fan, H. Li. (2013). Recovering comparative cases for elective contest goals in development mishaps utilizing content mining methods, Autom Construct, 34(1), 8591. Al Qady, A. Kandil (2014). Programmed grouping of development venture reports dependent on literary likeness, Autom. Build. 42(2), 3649. White, T. (2012). Hadoop: The Definitive Guide. OReilly Media, Inc. Jiao, Y. Wang, S. Zhang, Y. Li, B. Yang L. Yuan. (2013). A cloud way to deal with bound together lifecycle information the executives in design, building, development and offices the executives: coordinating BIMs and SNS, Adv. Eng. Illuminate, 27(2), 173188. Y.- J. Chen, C.- W. Feng, Y.- R. Wang, H.- M. Wu, et al. (2011). Utilizing BIM model and hereditary calculations to improve the group task for development venture, Int. J. Technol.,3(1), 179-187.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Will the Euro Survive free essay sample
For what reason are Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, and Spain here and there alluded to as the euro zone’s â€Å"peripheral countries†? Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, and Spain are the least fortunate in European Union. They are poor as a result of the unefficient and unsupporting arrangement of the nation to join the EU one-cash and exchanging framework. Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, and Spain are abused by the inside EU nations. Their commitment in creating and keeping up the government assistance of EU nations is too little looks at to the commitments of other EU nations. For what reason did the European Commission rescue banks in Ireland and Greece? Why not let them default? The European Commission rescued banks in Ireland and Greece for certain reasons. To begin with, it was done to keep EU existing and to keep Euro as hard cash. On the off chance that banks in Ireland and Greece couldn’t pay their obligations, a domino-impact would happen to banks in another nations. We will compose a custom article test on Will the Euro Survive or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page That would prompt more regrettable state of EU economy. Financial specialists request that Portugal’s Jose Socrates and different pioneers make large spending cuts. Be that as it may, Socrates and other communist head administrators would want to create financial development by means of government spending. Does this make Socrates, Zapatero, and similarly invested pioneers Keynesians? Or then again would they say they are following Hayek’s standards? Arrangements that are taken by Socrates and Zapatero will in general follow Keynesians perspective, which essentially expresses that ideal monetary presentation could be achievedâ€and financial droops preventedâ€by impacting total interest through lobbyist adjustment and financial intercession strategies by the legislature. For what reason do residents in France, Great Britain, and somewhere else stage fights when the administration forces severity measures? We believe that the fights show a developing worry towards cuts out in the open spending in spite of rising joblessness. The legislatures would already be able to see that gravity arrangements in Europe will prompt downturn, so they should begin a development against these strategies, which will lead their nations into disappointment and downturn.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Most Incredibly Overlooked Solution for Cause and Effect Essay
The Most Incredibly Overlooked Solution for Cause and Effect Essay The developing childhood obesity epidemic is a consequence of technology. Eating disorders are a critical health issue. The first source of obesity is too obvious and it's a massive intake food. The folks who suffer from obesity frequently have a very low quality of life too. The Little-Known Secrets to Cause and Effect Essay The latter was often utilized in the area of academic writing. This kind of assignment is a bit different from many other college tasks and has multiple requirements, which might significantly complicate the procedure. Quit worrying because writing isn't a burden, but a challenge you should be inclined to take on. Make certain that you have at the very least a day between when you wrote your very first draft and when you return to edit it. A cause is the thing that makes something happen, and a result is what the results are due to the cause. The effect is the consequence. In additi on, there are less important ones that are known as the contributory results and causes. There's psychological effect too. In everyday life you've already utilized the fundamentals of analysis of causes or effects. Such analysis helps not just to define why something has occurred, but also to understand the character of phenomena and the way to behave in a specific case. A cause and effect essay is the sort of paper that the writer is using to analyze the causes and effects of a certain action or event. You can have several results or numerous causes based on your essay's structure. The Upside to Cause and Effect Essay The cause and effect essay outline is likely to serve you as a guide for the remainder of the paper. Cause and effect essay have many sub-types. It is one of them. Writing a superb essay about cause and effect is simpler than it might seem. Your essay topic is a core component of any kind of essay. Picking the most suitable topic has to be carried out with care because it's the fundamental foundation of essay writing. Deciding on the essay topic has to be carried out carefully. Once more, based on the content you've got to provide, the essay needs to be organized to suit your information efficiently and neatly. Your essay needs to prove your thesis statement. A great essay should be correctly backed up with information. Don't be afraid to speak to our Essay Writing Service and expert essay writers will gladly aid you with your assignment. The Ultimate Cause and Effect Essay Trick Before you commence working on cause and effect essay outline the very first thing you have to do is to pick a winning topic. Writing about the reason and effect essay topics connected with the school's popularity or surviving the initial year in college might be fine to grab the interest of your peers. Keep in mind your time is limited and you don't need to waste any of that attempting to develop an incorrect topic. While you might not realize it putting a kid facing a computer or television unattended does not fulfill the attention needs of the kid. Facts, Fiction and Cau se and Effect Essay Cause and effect is a typical approach to organizing and discussing ideas. Regardless of what way you select, you must compose reasonable topic sentences to each paragraph. Do a little research in case you do not know anything about the topic assigned. To compose a great cause and effect essay, search for extra info in the library, online, or interview someone who knows enough about the subject. Before anything else, it's a great idea to generate a list of all probable results and the causes linked to your topic to help your topic become more focused. Questions are fundamental in regards to presenting the effects. You may have to narrow a wide topic. The topic may be more difficult to produce.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Terbium Facts - Tb or Atomic Number 65
Terbium is a soft, silvery rare earth metal with element symbol Tb and atomic number 65. It isnt found free in nature, but it occurs in many minerals and is used in green phosphors and solid state devices. Get terbium facts and figures. Learn about the properties of this important element: Terbium Basic Facts Atomic Number: 65 Symbol: Tb Atomic Weight: 158.92534 Discovery: Carl Mosander 1843 (Sweden) Electron Configuration: [Xe] 4f9 6s2 Element Classification: Rare Earth (Lanthanide) Word Origin: Named after Ytterby, a village in Sweden. Uses: Terbium oxide is the green phosphor found in color television tubes, trichromatic lighting, and fluorescent lamps. Its phosphorescence also makes it used as a probe in biology Terbium is used to dope calcium tungstate, calcium fluoride, and strontium molybdate to make solid state devices. It is used to stabilize crystals in fuel cells. The element occurs in many alloys. One alloy (Terfenol-D) expands or contracts when exposed to a magnetic field. Biological Role: Terbium serves no known biological role. Like other lanthanides, the element and its compounds exhibit low to moderate toxicity. This is a photo of terbium, one of the rare earth elements. Terbium is a soft silvery-white metal. Tomihahndorf, Free Documentation License Terbium Physical Data Density (g/cc): 8.229 Melting Point (K): 1629 Boiling Point (K): 3296 Appearance: soft, ductile, silvery-gray, rare-earth metal Atomic Radius (pm): 180 Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 19.2 Covalent Radius (pm): 159 Ionic Radius: 84 (4e) 92.3 (3e) Specific Heat (20 °C J/g mol): 0.183 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 389 Pauling Negativity Number: 1.2 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 569 Oxidation States: 4, 3 Lattice Structure: Hexagonal Lattice Constant (Ã…): 3.600 Lattice C/A Ratio: 1.581 Sources Emsley, John (2011). Natures building blocks: An A-Z Guide to the Elements. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-960563-7.Greenwood, Norman N.; Earnshaw, Alan (1997). Chemistry of the Elements (2nd ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 978-0-08-037941-8.Hammond, C. R. (2004). The Elements, in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (81st ed.). CRC press. ISBN 978-0-8493-0485-9.Weast, Robert (1984). CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Boca Raton, Florida: Chemical Rubber Company Publishing. pp. E110. ISBN 0-8493-0464-4.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Case Of Turing Pharmaceutical - 1079 Words
So-called ‘most hated man in America’ hiked price of Daraprim 5,000% Description Turing Pharmaceutical has been sued for 5,000% price increase of Daraprim drug. The company that was headed by Martin Shkreli faces breach of contract charges. Mr. Martin is claimed to have hiked the prices and also faces charges of defrauding. Later on, he had invoked the fifth amendment during the grill by the concerned congress he has been condemning the politicians and the members of the congress. The company, Turing, also facing charges of breaching the contract (Kevin, 2016). The entrepreneur refused to testify the charges of his unethical acts of raising the prices of the drugs in all his associated drug companies last year. The drug, Daraprim, is essential for many people suffering from AIDS. The patients will have to cater for the higher prices hiked by the entrepreneur. He was arrested in December 2015 after his reassignment. Hiking the price have been referred as â€Å"blood money†(Joanna. 2016). The hiking of the prices has been unaffordable. The hiking is said to be 5 000% for Daraprim, that is from $13.50 to $750 a pill (Joanna, 2016). Surprisingly, the hiked prices were done after the company acquired the drugs from another company. The company was expected to provide accurate data on prices which they failed to provide. Martin is said to have been purchasing the medicine from other companies and selling them at abnormal prices. He had promised to lower the cost of the drugs but itShow MoreRelatedThere Was An Ethical Issue Which Arose In The United States1043 Words  | 5 Pagesthe United States of America regarding Turing Pharmaceuticals messed up drug pricing (Timmerman 2015) that has gained a lot of attention in recent times. Ethics is the rules of conduct acknowledged in respect to a class of human actions or a group (Diffen 2016). Ethics is important as it affects not only the organization but the community and society at large (Spooner n.d.). 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Martin Shkreli was the CEO of MSMB Capital, MSMB Healthcare, Retrophin,Turing Pharmaceuticals and has been charged with fraud. Prior to Turing Pharmaceuticals, Martin founded the company Retrophin and had two hedge funds. He was using stock from biotech companies to pay of the debts of his two hedge funds. He ultimately was misleading his investors and lied aboutRead MoreMajor Drug Companies Taking Hefty Price Increases Essay886 Words  | 4 PagesNEW YORK (Reuters) - Major drug companies took hefty price increases in the U.S., in some cases more than doubling listed charges, for widely used medications over the past five years, a Reuters analysis of proprietary data found. Prices for four of the nation s top 10 drugs increased more than 100 percent since 2011, Reuters found. Six others went up more than 50 percent. Together, the price increases on drugs for arthritis, high cholesterol, asthma and other common problems added billions inRead MoreGoogle, Calico, And The Ethical Implications Of New Healthcare1672 Words  | 7 Pagesreaffirm that every human being has the inherent right to life†(Article 10). A situation in which this applies, is the drug, Daraprim, a revolutionary drugged used in the treatment of HIV, being increased by 4000% from $13.50 a pill to $750 by Turing Pharmaceuticals (Johnson). This drug could be potentially life-saving for a disease which was previously guaranteed to cause death. However, many people could not afford it once the price was increased and insurance would not cover it, so many hospitals wereRead MoreThe Pharmaceutical Industry1566 Words  | 7 PagesAlong with saving lives and helping people live an ordi nary life in comfort, the pharmaceutical industry makes billions of dollars every year; money that is invested in research/development as well as lining the pockets of shareholders. However, in the past two years the system has been abused by those hoping to make a hefty profit from buying or acquiring a drug and then raising the price ten or twenty-fold, often with the simple reason of greed or matching what other companies do (Johnson). OccasionallyRead MoreHiv And Human Immunodeficiency Virus888 Words  | 4 PagesIt has been over 30 years since the first known cases of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) which is the virus that causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) was reported. HIV attacks and disables the body s immune system. The virus attacks, the T lymphocyte (T cell), a type of white blood cell. Formed in the bone marrow the T cell helps the body fight off germs and diseases. Once HIV enters the body, it attacks this cell, copies itself and destroys the cell. Being HIV-positive indicatesRead MoreManipulation Of Patents And Market Pricing940 Words  | 4 PagesHypothesis: The manipulation of patents and market pricing have allowed pharmaceutical companies to raise the prices on drugs necessary for individuals in the US compared. With no competition, the companies are able to exploit the patent system to maximizing profits with no regard to the consumers economic welfare. The price of pharmaceuticals are constantly higher than the rest of the world and the people of America are paying that price. Method of Inquiry: After conducting a thorough analysisRead MoreThe Ethical And Management Issues1466 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction This report will address the ethical and management issues presented in the case studies Seven Eleven, Are organisation’s exploiting ‘non-employees’ and New and challenging HRM issues in China and India. The main ethical issues raised by these case studies are cultural diversity issues, discrimination and employee working conditions. Along with these ethical issues there are also management issues outlined Corporate Greed and an issue Human resource. This resulted in loss of thousandsRead MoreThe Issue Of Prescription Drugs1425 Words  | 6 Pagesactions from pharmaceutical companies, the most recent case being the arrest of Turing Pharmaceuticals’ CEO, Martin Shkreli. Shkreli was arrested on federal fraud charges a week before Christmas, but his infamy stems from his company’s price jack of Daraprim, an anti-parasite drug that is pivotal in the treatment of cancer and HIV patients. In at least 14 states, legislators have introduced â€Å"drug pr icing transparency†bills, which have been designed to gather information from pharmaceutical companies
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Globalisation and Decline of National Identity
Question: Discuss about the Globalisation and Decline of National Identity. Answer: Introduction Globalisation refers to the procedure of the global cultural, economic and governmental incorporation of countries; economic amalgamation is the most important handler of the globalisation process. Globalisation is the process which is likely to be irrevocable. The expansion of the world marketplace as well as worldwide interactions becomes weak to the devastating impression of globalisation that disturbs all nations and also they demeanour protectionist policies and rules. It has also positive effects on the monetary improvement of the world as the development of the worldwide inspires the worldwide progress of economic. But long-term effects of globalisation might be undesirable, mainly for the underprivileged countries that cannot take part with powerful and fully advanced countries in the world marketplace. Globalisation has begins as the enhancing economic collaboration amongst countries at the local level as well as smoothly evolved within the world trend. The economic association and interactions between the countries was the outcome of the build-up of capital though leading organisations operating the national market (Ariely, 2012). The build-up of capital formed national markets unpleasant for the organisations as they have saturated them as well as they required further export of capital as and expansion of international market. Here, the essay will show the positive as well as negative effects of globalisation in different countries. The paper will show the effects on developed countries, it will even show the effects on developed nation and along with this the paper will show the effects on the world as whole. The researcher will use some of the articles for describing the impacts of globalisation in different nations. The researcher will describe the impacts by showing some of the figures that are related to the impacts of globalisation in different nations. Positive and Negative effects on Developed Nations Globalisation is the process which includes the abolition of fiscal barriers as well as limitations on the movement of goods, human resources, capital and goods. Globalisation is the process which is likely to be irrevocable. The expansion of the world marketplace as well as worldwide interactions becomes weak to the devastating impression of globalisation that disturbs all nations and also they demeanour protectionist policies and rules (Editorial Board, 2011). It has also positive effects on the monetary improvement of the world as the development of the worldwide inspires the worldwide progress of economic. But long-term effects of globalisation might be undesirable, mainly for the underprivileged countries that cannot take part with powerful and fully advanced countries in the world marketplace. Dunning, 1998 stated that, the main motive of globalisations is to give superior competitive positions to the companies along with lower operating prices for gaining greater amounts of services, consumers and products. This process to rivalry is increased through divergence of possessions as well as expansion of new opportunity of share through inaugural up extra marketplaces and also retrieving new possessions (Ghate, 2016). Divergence of possessions is basically the strategy of commercial which enhances the diversities of business services and commodities into different companies. Diversification strengthens institutes through decreasing organisational factors of risk, acquiring organisations that are both vertical and horizontal in nature (Owen, 2008). The enhancing economic association amongst the countries inspires the establishment and growth of multinational companies that operated globally. The devastating majority of multinational companies are based in fully developed natio ns. Multinational companies in their turn inspires authorities for eliminating fiscal barriers as well as established free trade further for facilitating their future expansion of international market (Ghauri and Powell, 2008). Moreover, such policies and rules results to the constant strengthening of the globalisation method that has become the main path of trend in the modern economic development of the world. Developed nations are certain nations along with a high level of economic development as well as meet specific socioeconomic criteria according to the economic theory like Human Development Index, Gross Domestic Product. There are some developed nations like United Kingdom, France, Japan, United States etc., uses these definitions. Globalisation has a considerable effect on developed nations. One of the effects of globalisation is the development of trade amongst mainly in well- established countries (Globalisation, 2012). The trade amongst developed countries includes the major share in the total shares of world. Developed countries concentrates in the trade with each other instead with under-developed countries that they incline for using as suppliers of natural resources like fossil fuels. The economic association is quite advantageous as they have well- skilled human resources, capital and technology which are the main aspects that contribute to the competitive benefit of organis ations in the global market. Dunning 1998 stated that, developed countries as well as companies is basically based in developed nations that use their technologies for entering into new markets as well as take the leading place in the global marketplaces. They also take the dominant place in the global markets as in the case of Microsoft which developed their business successfully (Globalisation, Societies and Education, 2008). Most important, globalisation includes the free trade opened major chances for organisations on the basis of developing nations for buying natural resources as well as many other basic supplies from developing nations. Consequently, nations based in developed nations have got a chance for decreasing production costs because of the elimination of fiscal barriers and also low cost of supplies from developing nations. Martin Van Gunten, 2002 stated that the companies enhanced the utilisation of natural resources and various other basic supplies from developed nations but most importantly bu ying raw materials they sold high tech commodities to developing nations and also developed nations which cost is also much higher than the cost of raw materials the goods are formed of. Globalisation compels businesses for adapting to different plans on the basis of new ideological trends which try to balance rights as well as interest of both the community and individual entirely. This change allows businesses for competing worldwide as well as indicates a drastic change for business leaders, management mad workers by legally accepting the participation of labours as well as government in establishing and executing organisation strategies and policies. Foreign direct investment flow even tends to the capital investment into developed nations mostly, on the other hand investment in developing nations turn out to be secondary (Goodman and Marshall, 2013). So, developed nations mainly prefers for investing into other developed nations as they believe that such investments are safe and reliable. Moreover, investors investing in developed nations can calculate on low risk of stable income level and investment and those investments are profitable as well as stable. Also, occurring of financial prudence are subordinate targets for stockholders from industrialized nations. Rather than the US stakeholders desire to capitalize in the EU budget. On the other hand, EU stakeholders favours for capitalizing in the US economy. At this fact, it is worth affirming the fact that the savings amongst the developed nations subsidize to their enhanced growth of economics which enables them for outpacing the rest of the globe constantly (Jordo, 2009). Developed countries actually facilitate from those mutual investments as they inspires their growth of economic. One of the reason that why investors from developed countries prefers to invest in developed economic than in developing and emerging economies is basically due to the risk of those funds and they dont wish for to take risk as well as capitalize in unstable nations. Effects of Globalisation of developing Nations With the development of globalisation, developing countries faces some uncertain and doubtful effects. On one side, Globalisation incites the fiscal improvement mainly due to the removal of monetary barricades that unlocks the path for their merchandises for supplying it to the international marketplace. On the other side, developing nations confront the consequences for their ability to contest with the developed states. The main issue is that businesses operating in developing nations are often depending of the developed countries for the technologies (Nederveen Pieterse, 2012). Due to this reason, that cannot beat or challenge the position of companies of developed nations due to their high technology. In addition to this, most of the developing nations depend on one chief business which is well-developed and is the large contributor in the countrys GDP. As for example, GDP of the Nigeria is hugely depended on the oil trade with the other businesses. Furthermore, Globalisation heightens gap between the developed nations and the developing nations or it can also be seen with a view that Globalisation increases the gap between the rich and poor countries as emerging nations are the providers of possessions, whereas advanced nations are the suppliers of modern products and services (Sengers, 2011). This is the main reason due to which developing nations are turning to be in the position of disadvantage in a long run prospective. It is mainly because globalisation simplifies their mistreatment by more developed countries which consumer more possessions. Danahar 1999 stated that there must be a decrease in the gap between the developed countries and developing countries (Nederveen Pieterse, 2012). He also states that developed nations consumers more sources supplied by the developing nations and the developing nations retain their backwardness as compared to the developed nations in terms of technology and economic. The appearing improvement bought by the globalisation on the workers of developing nations are due to the fact that most for the enterprises have encouraged their productions to emerging nations of many of the facilities they needed (Ronaldo Munck, 2008). The situation on the impression of the globalisation in emerging nations is also specious since the movement of manufacture from the advanced nations to emerging ones does not enhance the environments of the work. Effects of Globalisation on the world as whole The issue of monetary concerns have become as a worldwide issue which outlines that financial crisis are becoming a worldwide issue. Globalisation develops the world monetary condition more susceptible to the crisis. In past, when central administrations of the countries governs the domestic economic by fiscal barriers, the fiscal disaster in one nation exaggerated one nation or province only, while the influence on the worldwide terms was negligible (Vaso, 2016). In the current business situation, financial crisis in one nation may generate issue on worldwide platforms. For illustration, if a war happens in the Middle East, there will be a sure certainly in the increasing of the oil prices. It could hugely increase the oil price. From other view, the development of the oil reserves in the US could drop the oil worth globally (Vaso, 2016). The appearance of the International groups such as world trade centre and other international bodies and contracts such as EU, or NAFTA become the administration reaction to the appearance for the financial globalisation. In addition to this, the enhanced power of International Businesses increases the difficulty to the government controller over the commercial operations. Stiglitz 2013 argued that international companies have developed into more influential than the general governments in many countries. They provide many difficulties in regulating the governmental laws. In response, governments of the countries are uniting their exertions and strategies to keep the economic expansion in control, as, in the curren t business situations, the government performs the role of intermediary amongst the large enterprises and residents (Vaso, 2016). Stiglitz 2013 raised various questions in the predictions of the new financial order which is well-known under the globalisation. The academic scholar have confidence in that globalisation may have a unhelpful impression in the economic expansion as well as social development as the enhancement in ability of the local marketplace is still imperfect, while the removal of the blockades raises the query to the capability of the governments and community to have and to retain control over the international associations (Vaso, 2016). International trade had its greatest downfall in 2008 to 2009 after the Second World War. During this period, the global trade reduced or collapsed by 20 per cent in volume. After this period, during 2010, the growth in the international trade slowed down (Kristjnsdttir, 2010). By distinction, the dimensions of both imports and exports in most assemblies of the emerging nations had already surpassed their pre-crisis peak in 2010, mainly in East Asia and China. Globalisation has wedged nearly every feature of the current life. It is certainly a fact that many of the US citizens could not point out Chinas capital on map, but they certainly could purchase an amount of goods produced there. According to the 2010 report of Federal Bank of San Francisco, around 36% of all the outfit sold in the US were actually produced in China (Sengers, 2011). The report on Globalisation of the world economy by Milkens institute highlights many of the benefits associated with the globalisation. In collective, there is also compromise among the economists that globalisation delivers a net advantage to the countries around the globe and thus should be comprised on the entire by the administrations and persons (Kristjnsdttir, 2010). The major benefit of Globalisation contain the Foreign Direct Investment, which helps in boosting the technology transfers and Industrial reconstructing, and the technological innovation, which increases competition level which certai nly helps in improving the economic output by making procedures more efficient. Some of the major risks associated with Globalisation are the interdependence which could cause local or worldwide instabilities. It happens when there is local financial variations end up in effecting a large number of nations depend on them (Kristjnsdttir, 2010). The other risk is national sovereignty. Many researchers have stated that rise in the multinational companies are a threat to the countrys independence. The benefits if globalisation can be unethically distributed in the direction of rich nations or personalities which assist in generating greater inequalities or gap and also leads to possible conflicts, both countrywide and worldwide. Conclusion The study outlined that the procedure of Globalisation arouses the upsurge of the global business actions may even arouse the financial growth. Though, in the long-run viewpoint, globalisation has somewhat negative than the positive consequence. In addition to this, the social dissimilarity persists even in the developed nations, where the richer is becoming richer, while the sum of poor upsurges, mainly in the economic disaster strikes. The study also outlined that the appearing improvement bought by the globalisation on the workers of developing nations are due to the fact that most for the enterprises have moved their productions to developing nations or outsources of many of the services they needed. The situation on the impression of the globalisation in unindustrialized nations is also specious since the movement of manufacture from the industrialized nations to unindustrialized ones does not enhance the situations of the work. The current businesses have seen the quickening of economic globalisation procedures that run well fast of present worldwide authority arrangements. Globalisations are at crossroads and for continuing it in safe manner, it is essential to control the process and to manage it effectively. The study demonstrated that in a fully enclosed economy, it is within the governments power to shape the countrys economic performance by having strict procedures within the boundaries of its own economies. The study also demonstrated that the expansion of the globe economy as well as global interactions turns out to be weak to the devastating influence of globalisation that disturbs all nations and also they lead nationalist policies and rules. Globalisation has also optimistic effects on the monetary expansion of the world as the development of the worldwide inspires the worldwide progress of economic. But long term consequences of globalisation might be adverse, mainly for the deprived countries t hat cannot participate with sturdy and fully advanced countries in the world marketplace. References Ariely, G. (2012). Globalisation and the decline of national identity? An exploration across sixty-three countries.Nations and Nationalism, 18(3), pp.461-482. Editorial Board. (2011).Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9(3-4), p.ebi-ebi. Ghate, A. (2016). Impact of Globalisation on the Competitiveness of Nations.Journal of Commerce and Management Thought, 7(2), p.327. Ghauri, P. and Powell, S. (2008).Globalisation. 1st ed. London: Dorling Kindersley. Globalisation. (2012). 1st ed. Routledge. Globalisation, Societies and Education. (2008).Globalisation, Societies and Education, 6(2), pp.201-202. Goodman, J. and Marshall, J. (2013). Crisis, Movement and Management in Contemporary Globalisations.Globalizations, 10(3), pp.343-353. Jordo, C. (2009). English as a foreign language, globalisation and conceptual questioning.Globalisation, Societies and Education, 7(1), pp.95-107. Kristjnsdttir, H. (2010). Foreign Direct Investment: The Knowledge-Capital Model and A Small Country Case.Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 57(5), pp.591-614. Nederveen Pieterse, J. (2012). Periodizing Globalization: Histories of Globalization.New Global Studies, 6(2). Owen, C. (2008).Globalisation. 1st ed. Cambridge: Independence. Ronaldo Munck, (2008). Globalisation and trade unions: towards a multi-level strategy?.Work Organisation, Labour Globalisation, 2(1), p.11. Sengers, E. (2011). Holy Nations and Global Identities. Civil Religion, Nationalism and Globalisation.Comparative Sociology, 10(4), pp.659-661. Vaso, L. (2016). Globalization and Its Effects on the World Economy.Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Brave New World Essay Example
Brave New World Essay Community, Identity, Stability? Is there such thing as a world in the future where sexual interaction is the closest aspect of a community? Is it true that the people in this society are unable to choose what they want, due to the fact that they are genetically controlled of who they are? Or to eliminate someone’s sadness by just taking one drop of a drug can automatically make them feel better? Welcome to Brave New World. The motto of Brave New World consists of three words; community, identity, stability. These words create and conditions new human life in a civilized society that presents a dystopian view of the future. The word community is based on all the different castes of diverse people â€Å"working together†to become happier within each other. Identity is based on how the people in this society are supposed to be with themselves. Lastly, stability is achieved. Or is it? The word community in the world state motto is used ironically. This is due to the fact that community is not achieved, the people in this society think it is but compared to our world now it really isn’t. In this society the community is prioritized over the individual. The community starts to speak about the concept that each of them has of happiness. We will write a custom essay sample on Brave New World specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Brave New World specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Brave New World specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The character John from the savage reservation thinks that the happiness of the citizens of Brave New World is not real happiness, it’s an artificial one. From John thinking this he is unable to fit into the world state society. The happiness of the community is based on the sexual interactions of one another. â€Å"The lift was crowded with men from the Alpha Changing Rooms, and Leninas entry was greeted by many friendly nods and smiles. She was a popular girl and, at one time or another, had spent a night with almost all of them†(Huxley 129). The sexual activity between the people in this society is the closest thing they have leading towards a so called ‘’family’’. Also the director of this facility conditions the castes systems genetically, physically, and psychologically. They are conditioned to believe that an individual’s feelings are a threat to the community’s stability. â€Å"When the individual feels the community reels†(Huxley 94). This slogan shows that if one person is affected then everyone else is too. Community is achieved in the eyes of the Directors view by organizing life so that each person is almost never alone. This is succeeded by making everyone feel like they are close so they won’t feel a sense of loneliness or sorrow. â€Å"Everyone works for everyone else. We can’t do without anyone. Even Epsilons †(Huxley 74). It is all about the society they would not know what to do if they were left alone. Ironically, community does not care if an individual is to die as long as the community remains stable. John had to go through this terrible crisis. In the words of Keith Neilson, â€Å"John is called to attend the death of Linda, who took too much soma drug. Maddened by the callousness of people conditioned toward death, he instigates a mutiny of workers as they are being given their soma ration†(Neilson). This was very hard for John, due to the way he was conditioned as a normal human to show love and sympathy towards death. But in this community Sympathy is despised, individuals do not matter. â€Å"Can’t you behave†(Huxley 206). When John breaks down in tears as is expected in normal life, a group young boys who are receiving there death conditioning start to make fun of him for crying. The society had a total lack of sympathy making John feel like him his feelings and mother are worth nothing at all. Identity is created a result of genetic engineering. According to Keith Neilson, â€Å"The entire process, from the fertilization of the egg to the birth of the baby, is carried out by trained workers and machines and instead of one human being resulting, there will be from eight to ninety-six identical humans†(Neilson). These trained workers separate all embryos into five groups before they are born to form the caste system. They’ll grow up with what the psychologists used to call an instinctive hatred of books and flowers†(Huxley 22). Identity ruling over the individual is a good example of the sleep teachings. The sleep teachings are hypnopaedic methods used to teach children the morals of the World State. In a room where older children are napping, a whispering voice is heard repeating what kind of things there type of caste likes and doesnâ₠¬â„¢t like. Not all characters are happy with their identity. â€Å"Talking about her as though she were a bit of meat†(Huxley 139). The character Lenina is being used with her identity, by using â€Å"meat†as her body. She herself doesn’t seem to mind but the character Bernard on the other hand who says this quote is very offended, he holds unusual beliefs about sexual relationships which causes him to fail to fit in this society. In this society the directors try to make each person feel happy and proud of their â€Å"own†identity. The director acts like the good guy and informs everyone through a sleep teaching how much better their castes are from everyone else. Compared to this world now the director is like the candidates of an election telling their citizens what they have to offer that no other candidate has. I’m awfully glad I’m a Beta, because I don’t work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki†(Huxley 27). The society uses their identity as a sense of confidence, happiness, and control. John L. Grigsby writes, â€Å"It is set in a future society in w hich control over individuals is nearly absolute and in which there is virtually no possibility of maintaining a sane, balanced, and fully human existence. †Drug use is a common habit in this society, as well as encouraged. This is based on the motto of stability. Almost everyone in this society takes a drug called soma that relieves your pain and gives you pleasant hallucinations. John is very much against soma it is the leading cause that killed his mother, but everyone else needs it. â€Å"There’s always soma to calm your anger, to reconcile you to your enemies, to make you patient and long suffering. In the past you could only accomplish these things by making a great effort and after years of hard moral training†(Huxley 238). In this, the directors are successful in tricking them. The people in the society get a relief, and endure the fact that all the unhappiness is swept away. Also sex has become a recreational activity instead of means for reproduction. â€Å"Put your arms around me Hug me till you drug me, honey kiss me till I’m in a coma. Hug me honey†(Huxley194). When Lenina takes soma she is very sexual with men because all her discomfort is gone she is feeling a sense of happiness which makes her now stable. Stability is really the sense of control over the society. â€Å"Stability,†said the Controller,†stability. No civilization without social stability. No social stability without individual stability†(Huxley 105). The society was tricked in a way so that they would always have to take soma ever since they were born; this was to conceal and/or help create the stability. Also, the director’s superiors make the decisions on conditioning everyone to hate different things. We condition them to love all country sports. At the same time, we see to it that all country sports shall entail the use of elaborate apparatus. So that they consume manufactured articles as well as transport. Hence those electric shocks†(Huxley 33). Also there condition to love always involves spending money. They are taught to believe that they should spend money on the things they are made to like for example buying clothes. When the society learns to hate these certain things this leads to the use of soma and makes the director gain that sense of control again. This also connects to the spending money because if they spend money it leads to a good economy which causes stability and back to the start of a sense of control for the directors. And that, put in the Director sententiously, that is the secret of happiness and virtue-liking what youve got to do†(Huxley 17). Mustapha Mond the world controller of Brave New World’s opinion is based on the life he lives in this world view of the future. Everyone else in this society is conditioned to do whatever the directors want them to do. They are taught to spend money and buy clothes, they are taught to take soma, and of course they are taught to love and show a sense of â€Å"community†. John could not take this sense of living and whips himself. When Lenina visits him, he whips her to death. John then realizes how much he is in this mess and hangs himself to die. Is this picture in your head representing the world state motto? Is this a sense of stability? What are the directors going to do? Did they lose their sense of control? In Brave New World, the community is more important than that one individual. The society has no sense of sympathy or a sense of mourning. Identity is all the product of genetic engineering. These people in reality are not that happy, it is the way they are taught that makes them feel good about who they are. Lastly stability is everything. It is all the control over the society. â€Å"Community, identity, stability†, now think do these three words accurately reflect or represent this world? Brave New World Essay Example Brave New World Essay History is connected to every one of us, it is how we got where we are today.It is important to study history in school so we can compare our society to those of the past, and learn from their mistakes, to assure that history doesnt repeat itself.In Aldous Huxleys Brave New World, the people of the World State are completely cut off from history in order to protect the goals of the society.The goals of the World State are stability, without individual feeling or thinking.History would allow the individual in Brave New World to compare themselves with the past societies, creating emotion, and promoting analytical thought and the desire for change. They would understand the emotions of war and aging.History goes against the goals of the World State and gives the individual too much knowledge and reflection about change, change which would threaten the emotionless stability of Brave New World. If the people of the World State studied history it would allow them to compare their society to others.They would appreciate how much more advanced they were technologically, but note that by comparison they didnt have any freedom.History is the study of change and truth.History explains how we got to our present state, but by studying the change, the individual might get new ideas.They might start questioning rules and systems, leading to unrest.The cornerstone of their society is stability but questioning and thinking of change would erode the stability.History would also expose the individuals to other social structures.The only one they currently know is theirs and without knowledge of others, they cant contemplate change.By reading about the past they would become analytical and judgmental.They would have knowledge and truth about the world and thus wouldnt be as easily controlled by hypnopedic phases.They would have their own individuality.One example of knowledge leading to a Brave New World Essay Example Brave New World Paper Remind yourself of the following extracts Compare and contrast the subject matter and style of these two episodes and consider their importance in the novels Orwells extract contains two separate elaborations of information. They are both narrated by Winston; the first being that the only hope of the Party being over-thrown is if the proles hold an uprising and revolutionise. The second is the lies that the Party spread, or more specifically the doctored truth that becomes the past. The style and language used by Orwell to put across this information is the same as how he writes the whole novel. His style is more intended for the more intellectual reader; But simultaneously, true to the principles of double-think, the Party taught that the proles were natural inferiors who must be kept in subjection, like animals, by the application of a few simple rules This example of 1984 shows that the average reader may have to re-read certain lines to fully comprehend the complexity of the environment in which Winston is contained; whereas in Brave New World (BNW) the readability level is higher as it puts most descriptions and dialogue in more simple terms; A scientific triumph. But socially useless. Six-year old men and women were too stupid even to do Epsilon work. And the process was an all or nothing one; either you failed to modify at all, or else you modified the whole way Huxley keeps the sentences relatively shorter than those of 1984 and with a more basic language that is more universally understandable. Orwell uses narrative and political opinions in his writing compared to Huxley which is description rather than story in this extract. We will write a custom essay sample on Brave New World specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Brave New World specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Brave New World specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Another feature of style and comparison one can make between the two authors is how much the reader knows throughout the extracts and novels and also the perspective from which they are written. In the 1984 extract, the destruction of the past is being described by Winston, and so the story is being told from his perspective. Whereas compared to BNW, Huxley is paraphrasing what Foster is saying to the students and summarising rather than giving the reader any kind of direct opinion or specific perspective. In 1984, the reader only ever knows the same as Winston (for first time-readers). In contrast with BNW, the reader always knows exactly what is going on and everything there is to know. There are no mysteries or questions that are not answered straight away in BNW, whereas an air of ambiguity is maintained by Orwell in 1984 surrounding the Party and its dealings as well as what the future holds for Winston; How could you tell how much of it was lies? The only evidence to the contrary was the mute protest in your bones, the instinctive feeling that the conditions you lived in at some other time must have been different. In 1984, the past is certain and not hidden. The process of manufacturing people is made proud by the population in BNW and its history of development is for everyone to know. This is one of the main contrasts in style as the two are very different. The Party make sure the majority (the proles and Party members) do not want to know the truth and/or question their methods by reducing their interest in such matters; let them lead their lives and all will be well (as they will not care to question the past). Whereas in BNW, the authorities make sure that the information is there for everyone to access and the past is something to be proud of and so interest on how things could be different in both novels is virtually non-existent. Two methods of achieving the same result. Huxleys language in BNW means that events occur quickly; the frequent use of words such as And, But and Which move the story or description along. Huxley writes free, indirect discourse which allows the novel to move fluently and fast-paced. The effect this has is that is dissolves the authors opinions into those of the characters.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
english colonies, north and so essays
english colonies, north and so essays English Colonies, North and South Miguel Fuentes Chesapeake and New England were essentially settled by people from the same country, but the mind set of the two colonies were completely different. All left with the idea of starting a colony, but one was based on religion and prosperousness and the other was based on wealth and greed. As written by John Winthrope, rich, poor, powerful and weak, must work together as one man under god almighty. As he wrote in high spirits aboard the Arbella on the way to the new world. The north seemed more prosperous and well mannered, the north was not afraid of Indians, and try to wage war, but tried to teach and aid the Indians in the teachings of their god. according to the list of emigrants to New England, families were embarking on the voyage to the new world, thus leading to the assumption that these people were going to try and start a colony to populate the new country. The people of the north were religious people and based their life, rules and morales on the teachings of the lord, as shown in the articles of agreement. The south however was not based on such morales as their opposite counterparts, the north. As gathered from the documents it did not seem as if the south was trying to build a colony at all. According tom the list of emigrants to Virginia, men heavily out weighed women, thus it was hard to build families. When they reached Virginia they dug for gold all the time. These people were worked to death and not fed well as stated in document F. The south constantly waged war with the Indians, invaders such as the Dutch, and themselves. Religion, moral, and greed are some of the words that could be used in contrasting the north and the south. Although they all came from England, they arrived in the new world completely different. They shared very little in common although they both survived, barely in the souths case, when they wee saved by the di ...
Monday, February 24, 2020
Ask week 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Ask week 7 - Essay Example In what ways is this assertion true? Explain. It is apparent that according to Kash and Rycroft (2002), application of effective management and policy can break bad habits if the organization is not aligned to support the trajectory change. Do you find this to be true? If yes, explain how your organization can be changed through the use of this concept. It can be argued that your organization learned from tacit knowledge due to the fact that exploration and development departments have adopted transfer of knowledge from employee to the employee and from management to employees and vice versa. In what ways have this transfer of knowledge helped your organization? Explain. It can be argued that the first step towards your organization success through learning is by identifying gaps that exists in the organization and adopting tacit knowledge. However, there is also a need to have extended knowledge in order for your organization effectively to learn. Explain how your organization would utilize tacit knowledge and extended knowledge in order to help it solve the work-based
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Ethical Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethical Systems - Essay Example In the movie Sophie’s Choice, Sophie has to make a painful decision wherein she has to choose one of her two children to be sent to the gas chambers in order to save the other. The other option is to let go both the children with the guard to a certain death. Ethical formalism as brought out by Kant (Jensen, 1934), states that ‘Act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.’ In other words, an action irrespective of other circumstances and environment, is either right or wrong and can be applied universally at all points of time. Going by ethical formalism, in choosing for one of her children over the other, it is felt that Sophie has exercised her feelings and emotions rather than the universal law. The right choice for Sophie would have been to fight for the lives of both children even if it finally lead to the death of both the children. By deciding to send the girl away, she has wrecked havoc in the mi nds of both her children and herself. That she commits suicide at the end of it brings out this emotional struggle that she goes through. However, viewing Sophie’s Choice from an utilitarian perspective (Harpham, 1999), choosing rather than not choosing was the right thing to do. By choosing, irrespective of which child, she has potentially saved the life of at least one child. If she refused to choose and opted to struggle to keep both her children with her, the guard would have taken both of them away, presumably to the gas chambers. Therefore, from the utilitarian point of view, the lesser harm was in choosing one child over the other and Sophie did the right thing by doing so. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki resulted in the deaths of more than 100,000 civilians and an even greater number of casualties, cannot be easily justified regardless of the attack’s outcome (Alperovitch, 1995). As a result, controversy surrounds the use of atomic bombs against the Japanese cities of
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Conflict between Free
Conflict between Freewill and Fate Essay Sophocles lived in the 5th Century BC, arguably the age at which the Greeks started questioning the validity of their Gods and Religious beliefs. As a playwright and as a keen social observer (he is credited with winning the maximum number of awards for his plays during his lifetime among his contemporaries), Sophocles might have felt an obligation to emphasize that Fate and Gods were what guided the human life. A healthy respect for Fate was required to accept Life in its entirety. The underlying concept of the story of Oedipus Rex is the all encompassing power of coincidences. One might choose to call it Fate or a deterministic Universe. For Sophocles and all his readers, it is the amazing possibility of symmetry in events. What is Free Will? Freewill is the ability to take independent decisions, and it also includes a deep rooted desire to counter any attempt to predetermine future. Freewill always tends to adopt measures to break loose from any prediction. This tendency to try and break away from any foregone conclusion has been the chief motivation for progress. But, in the limited context of Oedipus Rex, predictions, instigate the freewill to try and rebel. Prominent evidence of this struggle from Oedipus Rex â€Å"An oracle Once came to Laius (I will not say Twas from the Delphic god himself, but from His ministers) declaring he was doomed To perish by the hand of his own son, A child that should be born to him by me. †(lines 713-715) Jocasta and Laius were forewarned through a Prophecy that a son born through their union shall slay Laius. But this only led them to banish the child to be killed in the hope that the prophecy is belied. At the same time, the prophecy to Laius and Jocasta was not complete – it did not talk about the incestuous relationship their son would have with his mother. â€Å"†¦Apollo sent me back Baulked of the knowledge that I came to seek. But other grievous things he prophesied, Woes, lamentations, mourning, portents dire; To wit I should defile my mothers bed And raise up seed too loathsome to behold, And slay the father from whose loins I sprang. †(lines 816-821) Thus was Oedipus forewarned. He had gone to the Oracle to find out if there was any truth in the scandal that was spreading in Corinth that he was not the son of the king Polybus of Corinth. Instead of giving him any clarity on his confusion, the oracle set him on the course of his life that would fulfill the prophecy. When he learnt that he shall commit murder of his father and incest on is mother, Oedipus was still under the impression that Polybus and Dorian were his parents. To avoid any such possibility in his life, Oedipus decided to leave Corinth and that journey (prompted wholly by the prophecy) actually set him on the path to his destiny – A self fulfilling prophecy. These two are the most important manifestations of freewill trying to rebel against a rarely revealed future events of fate. When it is prophesied that certain events of great magnitude or villainous impact are about to happen in the future, it is the absolute nature of the freewill to try and avoid it. Arguments suggesting that Sophocles does not support the supremacy of Fate over Free will Eminent scholar E. R. Dodds in his â€Å"misunderstanding of Oedipus Rex†criticizes the most significant ways of understanding Oedipus Rex. His most important grouse is that the scholars and students alike fall prey to viewing Sophocles’ work through the prisms of philosophical thought processes which were non-existent during Sophocles’ time. Besides, the student community that studies Oedipus Rex tries to ascribe motive where none might have been intended. Point wise rebuttal to Dodds’s arguments Dodds. In his scholarly analysis of the popular misunderstanding of Oedipus Rex puts forth the following points in defense of his arguments. †¢ Sophocles does not intend Oedipus to be a villainous person being punished by Gods for his evil thoughts and actions. †¢ Sophocles does not intend Oedipus to be the prototype Greek tragic hero, whose one tragic flaw creates all the tragic consequences in the drama. †¢ Sophocles does not intend to state that there is no scope for free will and that the Fate reigns supreme. The first point of the argument is valid as Sophocles designs the character of Oedipus as heroic and it is prominently mentioned in most conversations of the stand alone characters and the chorus. His valor, his compassion and his ability to seek truth even if it be detrimental to his own self are heroic characteristics designed to evoke a mixture of admiration for his strength of character and sympathy for the travails he undergoes. The chorus sing the virtues of the king in unequivocal terms and all the incidents that lead to the story of Oedipus Rex establish his character as admirable, if not entirely beyond reproach. (his suspicion of his brother-in-law might be a lapse, but not a flaw of character) â€Å"Upraise, O chief of men, upraise our State! Look to thy laurels! for thy zeal of yore Our countrys savior thou art justly hailed:†(lines 53-55) Tragic Flaw While trying to relieve Oedipus of the tragic flaw, Dodds tries to reason that the concept of hamartia led by hubris is not evident in the Sophoclean hero. It can be argued that â€Å"Poetics†of Aristotle was a guiding light to playwrights and was a great contributor in shaping Greek literature. But it was within the capacity of the playwrights, creative geniuses all, to reinterpret the laws or rules of Poetics to further their own literary achievements. Even while adding his own interpretation to the concept of tragic flaw, Sophocles remains loyal to the concept per se. The tragic flaw of Oedipus might have been the fact that even when he was forewarned of a future in which his life shall harbor aberrations that the natural universe abhors, he had the courage to try and avoid it. A lesser man would have hid behind the inevitability of Fate or made such drastic changes to his won character as to avoid any such possibility. As Dodds suggests, some of the readers of Oedipus wonder why Oedipus did not give up fighting (even in self defense) against people older than him or in engaging in physical relationship with women older than him. Dodds answers saying that we are not to question what is not in the play. In fact, this might be the tragic flaw of the protagonist. Even after he is warned of the possibility of patricide and incest, Oedipus does not leave behind his virtuous qualities of valor (which leads him to kill Laius) and compassion (which leads him to free Crete from the songstress and take Jocasta as his wife). His sense of righteousness makes him leave Corinth to avoid patricide and incest as he believes Polybus and Dorian to be his parents. This flight is in the strongly held belief that he detests the unnatural acts of patricide and incest and it is within his capacity to avoid them by charting his own course and at the same time retaining his primary character traits of compassion and courage in the face of adversity. Dodds stresses his argument that Sophocles does not intend to make any statement on the finality of Fate and he bases it on two points. †¢ Sophocles is not the victim of any knowledge of determinism which was a later stage philosophical development largely credited to the Kantian determinism. †¢ Sophocles does not intend to preach the supremacy of fate because most incidents of the Play are a result of the exercise of Free will. Sophocles might not have been privy to the philosophical leanings of the determinism of the late 18th and early 19th century. But that does not exclude the gamut of his knowledge from knowing anything of that. In fact philosophical treatises have been, for the most part, clarified pronunciations of the existing thought derived through scientific observation. Determinism as a clear treatise might not have been available to the Greek playwrights but the concepts of a superior design to life which has the power to supersede human interventions has always caught the fascination of creative contributors as evidenced from the earliest forms of literature. The French concept of Poetic justice or the Christian concepts of adequate justice have been used in works earlier than these periods but they have been recognized and grouped only in the last four to five centuries. It is not that the critics are viewing the older works through newer prisms but the scholars are able to identify the evidence of such concepts even in earlier works. This is intellectually honest analysis and it is hard to understand why Dodd argues them to be invalid. For instance, if Pasteur discovered germ theory of disease in the early part of the 19th century, why is it not valid to find that similar germs or micro-organisms were cited in the out break of any contagious disease in the previous centuries. The scientists and philosophers in both cases have only discovered what was either already existent or known in some different form. Therefore, it seems invalid to argue that Sophocles might not have had the supremacy of Fate or determinism in mind when he crafted the symmetrical cycle of events in Oedipus Rex. Dodds says that Oedipus Rex is a manifestation of Free will. In his own words, â€Å"Oedipus might have left the plague to take its course; but pity for the sufferings of his people compelled him to consult Delphi. When Apollos word came back, he might still have left the murder of Laius uninvestigated; but piety and justice required him to act. He need not have forced the truth from the reluctant Theban herdsman; but because he cannot rest content with a lie, he must tear away the last veil from the illusion in which he has lived so long. Teiresias, Jocasta, the herdsman, each in turn tries to stop him, but in vain: he must read the last riddle, the riddle of his own life. The immediate cause of Oedipuss ruin is not Fate or the godsâ€â€no oracle said that he must discover the truthâ€â€and still less does it lie in his own weakness; what causes his ruin is his own strength and courage, his loyalty to Thebes, and his loyalty to the truth. In all this we are to see him as a free agent: hence the suppression of the hereditary curse. And his self-mutilation and self ¬-banishment are equally free acts of choice. †(Dodds 1985, p71) But these are not manifestations of free will but the struggle of free will against an all powerful fate. All the attempts made by the wise and virtuous Oedipus to avoid the aberrations of nature at his won hand are defeated partly by design and partly by curious coincidences. Conclusion Aristotle’s Poetics suggests that Greek drama is not pure entertainment. It had a communal function to contribute to the development of the community. It is easy to believe that Sophocles was a strict adherent to this principle because he won the most competitions during his lifetime compared to any of his contemporaries. His dramas were popular with both the entertainment-seeking public and the critics. Therefore it is safe to assume that Sophocles tries to establish the depravity of the acts of Patricide and incest through Oedipus. The message that resonates is that if a man of great wisdom, courage and all admirable qualities like Oedipus can fall prey to the hands of fate and commit the most heinous of acts, it is but the duty of the wider public to guard against any temptations that might make them break the natural or communal law. Besides, if Oedipus could not over come his guilt even after trying his entire life to avoid such acts and if the guilt is so all consuming that he blinds himself and seeks exile, it is better for the normal man to watch out for any of these sins. The all-consuming guilt is so over powering that no man can remain nonchalant after committing any of these crimes knowingly or unwittingly. A good moral for a drama that retains its mystique and appeal due to its craftiness and perfect symmetry in the cycle of events References Dodds. E. R. (1985). The Ancient Concept of Progress and Other Essays on Greek Literature and Belief: And Other Essays on Greek Literature and Belief. New York : Oxford University Press (Translated by Malcolm Heath). Aristotle. 1996. Poetics. London: Penguin Classics
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Physics of Skiing :: physics ski skiing
The sport of skiing has been around for thousands of years, originally existing solely as a form of transportation. Today the sport is entirely dependent upon the laws of physics, and has even had advancements through reliance on physics. There are two types of Nordic Skiing. These are Classic (or diagonal) and Skate Skiing. Usually these two forms are raced separate. To be fair, there are actually two slightly different forms of skate skiing; V1 and V2. As these can get very very complicated and precise in the technique, I will focus mainly on classic skiing, which is also the type of skiing that most people are familiar with. Cross-Country Skiing is the most basic form of skiing, even preceding downhill skiing. Primitive skis may have even been used about 3000 B.C. in Norway. There have been cave drawing found that seem to depict men on skis. Skiing has its roots in Scandinavia; Vikings used skis as a form of transportation in the 10th century A.D. Early skis were made of wood, and even the word ski comes from the Norse word skith a stick of wood. Norse skies were very rudimentary, little more than snowshoes. Glide was little to none. It was not until the early 1800s when Sondre Norheim changed the face of skiing and gave skis glide that the sport was introduced to the world. Competitive skiing started in the late 1800s, again in Norway. In the 1932 Winter Olympics at Lake Placid, Nordic Skiing as we know it was added. Today the sport has evolved to be both extremely competitive and leisurely. In the past 30 years the sport has changed dramatically, adding skis made of synthetic materials, and utilizing waxes for improved speed. Physicists have been at the front line of all this; from determining the coefficent of friction for both the wax and the ski, to helping skiers change their technique based on the laws of physics. To maximize speed, Nordic skiing is more about form than probably any other sport. Brute strength and athletic prowess certainly have their advantages, but these pale in comparision to proper technique. While the shape of classic skis is slightly different than that of skate skis, the real difference is that classic skis have a "kick zone." This is a spot directly underneath the foot that has kick wax applied to it. Kick wax is a sticky poly-hydrocarbon that in theory is only supposed to provide a sticky surface from which to push back from.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Fast Food Nation Synthesis
Sarah Whitaker Mrs. Kurtz A. P. Language and Composition 6 February 2013 The Meatpacking Industry: One of the Most Dangerous Jobs in the U. S. A report from the American Meat Institute shows that the U. S. is home to about 6,000 meatpacking plants. Millions of jobs all over the country are made through meatpacking plants. These low paying, risky jobs are swept up by men and women, these people unknowing of what exactly they have gotten themselves into. The meatpacking, today, has become one of the most dangerous jobs in America.As found by Steven Greenhouse of the New York times, â€Å"†¦the nation’s meat packing industry has such bad working conditions that it violates basic human and worker rights. †Ever since the publication of the famous book by Upton Sainclair–The Jungle people all over the world have found it necessary for inspections to be considered and for changes to be done with little success. Workers in today’s plants seem to have the same problems that were faced almost 100 years ago.The Appleseed Center For Law found an estimated â€Å"total of 62 percent of those interviewed said they had been injured on the job in the past year, a rate seven times higher than the government’s official statistic for slaughterhouse workers†¦. †, as found in Reprt:Line Speed, Injuries Increase for Slaughterhouse Workers. So what happened to the much needed safety laws? It’s simple really, they just aren’t being followed. Many workers today, who live in horrible working conditions day by day to make their living for them and their families, are not being treated as they are meant to be and this has only made the industry bigger.One person quits or gets hurt and another is there, easily filling the new open position. Complaints don’t help either, as found by Gail Eisnitz, also cited in Reprt:Line Speed, Injuries Increase for Slaughterhouse Workers, â€Å"Slaughterhouse workers talk of a production system that moves to fast†¦despite numerous complaints to managementâ€â€as well as countless injuriesâ€â€the companies refuse to make changes because slowing the process would mean not making as much money. †As found in Eric Schlosser’s ook Fast Food Nation the underlying fact is that with power and money there comes damaged morals. The big business owners just don’t care! Now that the secrets are out and the industry is â€Å"naked†to the public now, the people are not calling the industry â€Å"The Jungle of the 2000s†, an article put out by the Associated Press States. Martin Cotez as interviewed by the Associated Press says, â€Å"You know what I like to say to the newcomers? They don’t kill cows. They kill people. †This, a response to his own story description, just puts a whole new label on the industry; murderers!Sinclair’s book published so long ago still seems to have barely effected the ind ustry of today. As discussed in Fast Food Nation, Schlosser also speaks of the injury of workers throughout chapter 8, effectively titled â€Å"The Most Dangerous Job. †One example of the horrible working conditions also comes from Fast Food Nation, Jesus â€Å"A soft spoken employee of DCS Sanitation Managerment, Inc†Talks of an experience he had on one of his cleaning duties, â€Å"One night while Jesus was cleaning, a coworker forgot to turn off a machine, lost two fingers, and went into shock.An ambulance came and took him away, as everyone else continued to clean. He was back at work the following week. ‘if one hand is no good,’ the supervisor told him,’use the other. ’†Not only did the supervisor not care, a person was injured and still returned to the job he obviously needed. So what needs to be done? Obviously whatever it is, its not happening. So even though the demand for food is high in this nation, what’s more imp ortant, our food or our citizens? increased demand at slaughterhouses has caused a rise in work related injuries†according to a report by a Nebraska-based non-profit. People in these plants are getting hurt not only because it’s what the job demands but because the more we as consumers want, the more the big industry owners will demand more work. So what will we as American citizens do? Work Cited â€Å"American Meat Institute. † American Meat Institute. Web. 8 Mar. 2013. â€Å"Report: Line Speeds, Injuries Increase for Slaughterhouse Workers. †Digging Through the Dirt, 8 Oct. 2009. Web. 7 Feb. 2013. Greenhouse, Steven. †Meat Packing Industry Criticized on Human Rights Grounds. †The New York Times. The New York Times Company, 25 Jan. 2005. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. â€Å"Dangers, tensions lurk in meatpacking industry†. Associated Press. Breaking News & Top Stories World News, US & Local: NBC News, 24 Apr. 2006. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. â€Å" Safety and Health Guide for the Meatpacking Industry. †Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. Schlosser,Eric. Fast Food Nation. New York: Harper And Perennial,2005. Print.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Biology The structure of Luciferase - 1588 Words
Proteins play a fundamental role in the existence of living organisms. They are major contributors of cell structure and mobility, hormonal interaction, information exchange, and, most importantly, regulation of essential reactions. Enzymes are proteins that activate or inhibit the conversion of a substrate to a product. Often, enzymes catalyze reactions that are crucial for biological processes, but a few regulate other aspects of life, such as communication between a species. The enzyme luciferase catalyzes the reaction that allows fireflies to communicate with each other via emission of a yellow-green to yellow-orange colored light (Nakatsu, T. et al., 2006, 372). This reaction is a bioluminescence reaction, where chemical energy†¦show more content†¦et al., 2006, 373). Researchers have taken a closer look at the structure of the active site that facilitates the bioluminescent reaction; they found the Arg218 residue plays a heavy role in the secure binding of luci ferin. The guanidinium side chain of Arg218 is particularly responsible for binding with the benzothiazole ring of the luciferin substrate. Moreover, Arg218 establishes electrostatic interactions with the ground state product of the phenol group ionization of luciferin, yet Arg218 also stabilizes the final excited state phenolate ion of oxyluciferin (Branchini, B.R., Magyar, R.A., Murtiashaw, M.H., and Portier, N.C, 2001, 2415-2416). The proper binding of luciferin determines the color of the light emission and is dependent on the amount of rotation of the excited oxyluciferin molecule. To further understand the role of Arg218, researchers created a mutant enzyme without the Arg218 residue to determine its impact on substrate production. When researchers converted the Arg residue to Lys, there was a 15-fold increase in Km for luciferin; the Km value suggests the substrate binding affinity of the enzyme. The increase in Km shows that luciferase has a lowered affinity to bind wit h substrates. This shows that a manipulation of the Arg218 residue can affect the catalytic activity of the enzyme. Usually, the enzyme loses its high binding affinity with luciferin.Show MoreRelatedMirna Essay1141 Words  | 5 Pagesof HIV-infected patients with HAND, differing from HIV-infected patients without HAND. To investigate this association between host miRNA expression and HAND development, with HIV-1 biology, brain miRNA profiles were observed in patients with and without HAND. This study also connected two different areas, HIV-1 biology and peroxisome function in the brain, providing insights into HAND. The function of peroxisomes for antiviral signaling is a relatively new. This study shows that the infection of HIV-1Read MoreCell Cycle And Dna Rn Mirnas Regulating Cellular Proliferation During Oncogenic Transformations Essay1076 Words  | 5 Pagescycle profile is also checked by flow cytometry. 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