Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Decision in Paradise part III Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Decision in Paradise part III - Case Study Example Given the technological opportunities available to the company, it is believed that it would be in a position to make a significant contribution to the economic rehabilitation and restructing in the island, Kava. The company which employs Nik has a large organizational structure and a wide capital base which could take care of the massive investments needed in Kava, both in terms of preventive and rehabilitation interventions, mainly intended to enhance the standard of living of the people, through improved use of natural resources. Besides effective and result-oriented executives like Nik, the company also possesses the expertise of the technical savvy and widely experience Director of Strategic Planning, Alex, who is familiar with all aspects of life and living on this island. (Strategies in Decision Making). Moreover, the local government and the military would also be in a position to extend the needed support and guidance to the company. While the cultural aspects are, no doubt, important, it is imperative that the company is able to harness the potencial of the local natives, through vocational guidance, counseling and training, in order to make them productive and utilize the natural resources and wealth for the benefit of the natives, through the organizational and technical skills of the company. In order to further reestablish and consolidate its position, it is necessary to improve the skill sets of the natives and translate it into profits for the company. The profits that accrue to the company could be partly utilized for welfare schemes for the natives, and for investments in advanced technologies that would bring quicker and larger profits for the company in the future. For attaining this, the company also needs to take into close confidence the religious and social groups functioning in the island, so that socio-economic developments could be translated into economic gains for the country.Action plans needed for implementation of the decisions: 1. Since the island Kava is susceptible to natural calamities and disasters, it is first of all necessary to set into place an effective Disaster Management Program Committee to effectively address and counter these issues. This committee would comprise of international experts on natural calamities and would also have sub-committes having functional heads, on various important aspects like funding, administration, training and losses assessment, rehabilitation and Recovery. It is necessary that these committes report regularly to the company and are well managed and supervised by it. The

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